Thursday 5 May 2016


SLIDES 0521-0524

Ey-oop...! I think that we're off across the channel again.

We're still dealing with "glass-mounted" slides in the mysterious blue box, of course, so that probably explains the alarming stains on the first couple of pictures. Possibly moisture, possibly oil, or maybe even some of the photographic chemicals finally breaking down after fifty or more years...?

Anyway, once we bid farewell to the White Cliffs of jolly old Blighty, and venture forth into that dark and hostile place known as "On The Continent", my Grandparents appear to find themselves stranded in a series of "funny foreign" car parks. 

Now, I'm guessing that the rather nifty cream-and-crimson (cream and maroon?)"Overland Tours" coach wasn't just one they liked the look of (although Grandfather did like any vehicle displaying a bit of the unusual mechanicals) but might be their transport for whatever adventure they were setting out on.

"I've found the coach dear, but we're terribly early... There's nobody else here..."

"At least we now know where it is... Pub...?"

Also worthy of note here is the re-emergence of the cream "Holiday Handbag" which might seem familiar from all those cruise pictures I've inflicted upon you during this past couple of months...

Unless it's a different one... Tsk! These handbags all look alike to me...

1 comment:

  1. Posing besides a coach. Who would have known?
