Wednesday 31 January 2018


(Inspired by some recent exchanges and kind thoughts)

Sometimes I become quite excited
Brief optimism will fill the air
Considering trying to do this and that
That things that I try may be quite fair
Then out come demons to pounce on me
From the dark places wherever they lurk
To whisper and scratch at what’s left of my mind
To tell me that it simply won’t work
Hope turns to cinders in moments
Enthusiasm crashes to earth
Those big ideas now seem ridiculous
I fill with loathing and a lack of self-worth

Mostly I feel an overwhelming
Sense of crushing despair
Sometimes there’s a twinkle of hope
But mostly it’s crushing despair

Sometimes I believe that my poems
Really aren’t actually half bad
And I wonder if I might put my hat on
Contemplating a notion that’s quite mad
That I might sit on a tall stool and mutter
Sat in front of a live camera lens
Knowing I couldn’t do it in front of people
Even if it was a room full of friends
Instantly I decide that’s so arrogant
Immortalising my nonsense on video
What on earth must I have been drinking
It’s such a stupid idea - yes I know

Then I will feel that overwhelming
Sense of crushing despair
Sometimes there’s a twinkle of hope
But mostly it’s crushing despair

Sometimes there comes a kind suggestion
Send some of those thoughts off somewhere
Such a nice thing to say you'd be thinking
But then here comes that crushing despair
Why would anyone want to pay for a look
When they won’t even read if for free
Despite any of many encouraging comments
Why would anyone want to read thoughts by me
Since because we’re all our own worst enemy
Though some hide it far better it’s true
So determined I am from the outset to fail
These prophecies will turn out like they do

Mostly I feel an overwhelming
Sense of crushing despair
Sometimes there’s a twinkle of hope
But mostly it’s crushing despair

Sometimes I think about subtly screaming
Mainly at myself but at the whole of the world
I’m so dependent upon your enthusings
To fuel mine that it’s becoming absurd
The universe doesn’t give enough of a damn
About these strange ideas disguised as bad art
I need to do something about it myself
Though I realise I don’t know where to start
Next I’ll scuttle off under rocks devastated
Wondering if in life might offer a collaborator
Who’d put up with me and my little ways
Yet will understand that sooner or later

I’ll be feeling an overwhelming
Sense of crushing despair
And despite the occasional twinkle of hope
There’s always that crushing despair

MAWH, Jan 2018



My grandmother died
In her bedroom at home
With my mother on one side
And me on the other
She breathed out
She breathed in
She breathed out
Life passing so softly
Left alone it took us both
Several moments to wonder
And ask each other
If we each thought she'd gone
I went to call a Doctor

When my mother died
On a hospital ward
With me sitting at her side
No machines to bleep
Oxygen hissed
Through plastic
Oxygen hissed
Life escaped so gently
Leaving me contemplating
Moments of lonely wonder
Realising that
She had probably gone
Then I went to fetch a nurse

MAWH, Jan 2018

Tuesday 30 January 2018



I have no barometer
The words pour out
Whether fair or bad
I could not tell
My proud daughter
Steps up to proudly
Accept the glittering prize
On a golden stage
Flashbulbs popping
Smiling her saddest smile
But I have no barometer

I have no barometer
For my own skills
If quality lingered here
I could not tell
Pluck out a dozen
Bundle away for
Unseen eyes wishing
I could tell where
Richest fruit might be
Or the starkest seed
But I have no barometer

I had no barometer
To learn the path
Fuelling such dismay
I can not tell
The proud daughter
I never had
Life's barren seed
Beat this empty heart
Alone and silent
In my darkest need
But I have no barometer

MAWH, Jan 2018

Monday 29 January 2018



Gather around - you may think there’s something fishy afoot
But in the life I am living I have been known to have
Some quite interesting - if not fascinating - debates
Like some recent musings on the impracticality
Or otherwise of seamen - or possibly seawomen -
Choosing to take Merpeople as mates

It is - I imagine - pretty well understood in these modern days
That the sailors of old who in such times almost certainly
Were probably quite frustrated and most usually men
All of whom a very long way from their home ports
So they might understandably be tempted and titillated
By a siren's longing song every now and then

Far from home a bare-chested apparently fair maiden
With an alluring dazzling halo of golden sea-spun hair
Sometimes would bewitch them and bring them delight
But despite everything I really can’t help but wonder
If such yearning lustful delight turned into despair
When it came to matters much later at night

You’d imagine far earlier in their encounter than this
It would occur to even the most randy of frustrated sailors
Upon more intimate investigation of their new found dish
Despite anatomical ignorance I’m sure they could tell
They might not have much future if their lovely new belle
From the waist down was nothing but fish

The more romantically minded amongst us might think
And argue of course that such things are never all about
When it comes to matters concerning the love in our hearts
Physical attributes and the interaction of incompatible bodily bits
Wondering where and what and how a thing might be able to fit
But where’s the relationship without the naughty parts

Then - because I do - I have many other strange thoughts
Like where on a body should the fish-scales start to sprout
Are there half-fleshy scales from the belly button down below
Or do they just begin at a hard line like a peculiar belt
After all if you were a someone who was really half fish
The fish part’s hardly like wearing trousers you know

Ah - They all cry – I see now that you don’t understand
It’s not about matters Piscean or ectothermic cordates
Like people - whales and dolphins are mammals too
So why – I reply – do those fictional depictions
Always choose to show them on porpoise as half fish
With scales and fins and the whole ballyhoo

On those long lonely nights when the first flush has passed
What do humans and Merfolk find in common to talk about
Are Merpeople interested in human art or science or fiction
What would their own undersea books and interests be
With nothing to talk about but seaweed, shells and fish
Interspecies love could fast turn to friction

Moving onwards to matters more practical and everyday
Is it half-fish or man who gets to clean all the laundry
At sea it cannot be easy to handle the washing chores
When those terrible week old rotten fish whiffs fill the air
Without legs to brace you as you rinse and you soak
Do Merpeople merely flap about on the laundry floor

Perhaps long-term relationships were never anyone’s plan
A quick fumble with a mermaid who’d slip away over the side
Tall tales told by seamen to make all of the other men feel green
Of exotic beauties in mystical lands forever remaining unseen
Or guiltily stitched fabrications only meant for covering up
Saucy salty tales that were far more obscene

Personally I believe that the Merpeople were myth
Made up to disguise more basic seaborne lusts and urges
When you’re long away from your home and your hearth
Far too long in confined spaces with foul-smelling blokes
Then home to a family oblivious of such aquatic betrayals
Whose first request is that you take a bath

MAWH, Jan 2018

Sunday 28 January 2018



Dragging your ailing failing self from a cold sick bed
To cough retch and splutter your way to the supermarket
For powders and pills and tissues and juice and bread
Whilst a cricket match half a world away crackles into life
High and ahead - sky high and dead ahead
Through the windscreen a shape turns and stops
For a moment time stands poised waiting but still

A kestrel pauses in the sky
Above where the viaducts meet
Fruitlessly trainspotting
On a Sunday morning

In the briefest of moments the air holds that stare of death
Coldest eyes seeking out the slightest careless movement
A dozen or a hundred or a thousand feet beneath its wings
It turns again a soaring striking moment already passing
There and then gone - right there and blinking gone
Shapely feathers silhouetted against a darkening sky
In a moment the timetable resumes yet still

A kestrel paused in the sky
Above where the viaducts meet
Fruitlessly trainspotting
On that Sunday morning

MAWH, 280118