Friday 21 October 2016



How can it be that a disgusting filthy rag
Sees itself the fine upholder and guardian
Of all that is “decent” about British life
Yet lies through its teeth every edition?

Yet their readers believe everything they say
No matter what facts that they’ve omitted
When your moral compass points the wrong way
They’ll ignore every offence that you’ve printed

How can it be the same disgusting filthy rag
Is perceived as fine defender and warning
Against all that threatens “decent” British life
By those finding it on their doormat each morning?

You can trust what you read in the papers
They have more resources than you…!
Why do you think you know better than them?
One individual could not have a clue

How can it be such a disgusting filthy rag
Can disguise its own personal agenda
By pretending to preserve a form of British life
Yet not caring what hatred it may engender?

Take a moment criticising their loyal readers
It will be seen as a deep personal attack
Suggest there’s something wrong with any of them
And just watch those media empires strike back

How can a nation that once was quite civilised
Tolerate them all heading off the same way?
Pushing all their fear and hatred and loathing
Of a more understanding world every day

Their daily news agenda is all based upon
What they think their readers care about
Support whatever lies they want to believe in
Refuse to suggest any reasonable doubt

How can it be that these disgusting filthy rags
Have been getting away with this for so long?
Why do those who want a “decent” British life
Tolerate a business so fundamentally wrong?

Many things that they’ve printed are criminal
The most harmful lies ought to be treated as such
Papers and their owners wield far too much power
And they prefer to keep us all out of touch

How can it be that some once less filthy rags
Are posting clickbait to make advertisers pay?
Chasing profits and circulation won’t keep
A moral compass pointing the right way

Martin A W Holmes, October 2016

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