Wednesday 27 April 2016


SLIDE 0494

Okay. in the middle of a load of family stuff (yes, unfortunately for you, dear reader, there's far more of that sort of nonsense still to come) for no very good reason that I can think of, there is one, just one, rather silhouetted and very random picture of a church.

This, I think, (unless, of course, you know differently) is the very famous crooked spire of the church of St Mary and All Saints in Chesterfield, an effect not caused, apparently, by the lack of skilled tradesmen following the black death, but because of a peculiarity of the lead they used and the way it heats on only one side due to the position of the sun and consequently expanded differently on opposite sides of the spire.

Church and science, eh...? Cool...!

Anyway, you can look all that sort of thing up elsewhere if you want to, so I'm not going to drone on about it any more here. 

What I'm more interested in is this one single shot of Chesterfield. There are no further pictures of the town in the entire collection, and yet here it sits, right in the middle of several pictures of an afternoon in the garden of my Grandparents' brand new house.

Granted, sometimes my own camera gains random shots from time to time, when I grab it to capture an unexpected "moment" but a trip to a place seems to be the sort of thing you might just take more than one snapshot of.

It could, of course, be another in my Grandfather's occasional series of photographs on the theme of "When Engineering Goes Wrong" and he was, after all, a plumber, so maybe the actions of lead might have been of some interest.

Or maybe there was a news story on the wireless about how the thing was about to fall down and he wanted to get a quick shot of it before that occurred...?

Then again, there are several pictures of random anonymous weddings in amongst his slides (which we will be coming to eventually), so maybe this is just a misplaced one of those...?

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