Saturday 9 April 2016


SLIDES 0413-0423

Rolling his eyes due to the unfortunate inevitability of this sort of thing, a certain someone makes his what is quite possibly his first public appearance during the autumn of 1964 (the pictures being, rather unhelpfully, positioned out of chronological order at some point after the August 1965 cruise photographs), having finally arrived on this pathetic little planet, and started to set in motion his (latterly aborted) plans for world domination by making one small group of humans as thoroughly miserable as he possibly could.

Get your hilarity over quickly, dear reader, things are about to get grim.

Actually, all of that other "What the hell went wrong?" and "Wasn't he sweet?" (Answer: No, he really wasn't - and neither are any of the others at that age) nonsense aside, I quite like the "off-centre" nature of the first picture in this set. There's something about not having the TTL "Through The Lens" option on that old camera that sometimes gives a picture a rather pleasing asymmetry that I find rather appealing. The picture is also considerably improved because of the hideous visage of the Star of the Show disappearing in a certain amount of reflected glare, something that several of the other pictures fail to do, and, consequently, they sadly also fail to protect you from the full horror on view.


Nice brickwork.

I have very fond memories of that particular brickwork.

Meanwhile, over the course of the rest of that terrible afternoon, my sister seems to already be developing a well-timed murderous glint in her eye of the sort that she may very well have remembered whilst reading this, my Grandmother seems to be pretending for the moment that she actually quite likes small boys, and the person who is the main reason that they're all having to go through this hideous ritual, manages to complete the rather almighty chore, given his lack of experience, of being (rather horribly for him) the utterly ghastly focus of things by once more acquiring a camera lens-and-retina-protecting bright, shining glow of obscurity in the last shot (oh, if only...).

Mind you, that's a really impressive bird table my Grandparents had.

Oh, and before you feel the need to mention it (like somebody always seems to at these kinds of juncture), that bloke in the tie looks NOTHING LIKE ME...!


  1. Family, never did like 'em much. You can't choose 'em, society gets upset if you kill them, and no matter how hard you try you can never ignore them because they are always there in your head.

  2. How tall, and proud does Dad look in that first photo! And I suspect big Sis was just a little chuffed herself!

    S x
