Thursday 7 April 2016


SLIDES 0407, 0409-0412

Despite much evidence to the contrary, these are more-or-less the final photographs from the section of that wooden box of slides marked out as being of Lincolnshire and/or bird sanctuary.

The first three do all feature birds, so I'm suspecting that at least part of that description is true, and there's a fair old chance that the dark-necked creature in the second is a Canada Goose (possibly the parent of the youngsters in the third) with much of its body colour bleached out by the light, the inadequacies of my scanner, the age of the slides, or (although I hesitate to say it) the shortcomings of my Grandfather's photographic technique and/or the Kodachrome film itself, heaven forfend.

Other than those, the first picture shows what I think is a duck (and other birds) on a lake, and then there's a mystery church which may feature my sister, my Grandmother, an A.N. Other mystery woman standing by the door (possibly for scale, maybe for posterity), and a rather groovy row of white cottages and/or a pub featuring a rather fabulous red parked car which might be a Sunbeam or a Simca (???) with a driver "'avin' a fag" behind the wheel, more mystery groups of people (I am being rather unfair here, after all any random street scene is almost bound to include some people you don't know), and the back end of what is quite possibly a Morris Minor poking out at the far end as a little van speeds past on whatever "A" Road this might be.

Looks like another nice day, but then, weren't all the Kodachrome days rather lovely? After all, there was really no point getting the camera out if it's not a "special occasion", everyone's feelinga little ordinary and miserable, and the weather's a bit rubbish...

1 comment:

  1. Now this group really does have the feel of Lincolnshire. My family are from this dullest of dull places and I have always felt that it is a flat, empty and backward type of place where nothing happens apart from waiting for something to happen.
