Sunday 6 March 2016


After my formatting disasters in bringing you the pictures in the first wooden box of slides, I think I'm going to have to try "something else" for the hundreds upon hundreds of other ones, if we are ever to achieve some kind of success with this project.

The second of the two wooden boxes full of slides which I have (which belonged to my Grandfather, and which have lurked around my various homes since his death in 1980) does, at least have a label inside the lid which helps to identify some of the places and dates that are in the pictures, although "Brian Oldham's Wedding" is completely missing.

Maybe they fell out...?

Additionally, because these are all in cardboard slide mounts unlike the other set, this means that the individual slides are date-stamped with the month and year that they were processed by Kodak which is again helpful.

However, this also means that a lot more of them could be crammed inside the box and so there are literally hundreds of the things to get through, so it could be a long, long journey that we're about to embark upon.

That said, there's some fascinating stuff in here, and I found out one or two things that I hadn't known before about the lives of my Grandparents and some of the ways they intertwined with my own.

So anyway, without further ado, let me welcome you aboard the (rather crowded looking) SS Canberra as it leaves Southampton in August 1964.

1 comment:

  1. That pool is my idea of Hell. Come to think of it a cruise is probably my idea of Limbo.
