Sunday 27 March 2016


SIDES 0302-0305

Cairo Museum of Antiquities, August 1965

These are the photographs from amongst my Grandfather's collection which most surprised me (and made me slightly jealous, to be honest with you) when I started scanning these pictures, not least because my Grandparent's trip to Cairo came as something of a surprise to me, but also because, back then, he was allowed to take photographs when I was not and had to leave my camera on the tour bus.

Well, given that there are only the four pictures, maybe he wasn't "allowed" to at all...

That said, that relic room doesn't look all that different then to how it looked during my own visit 45 years later, and that most iconic of masks remains in that simple glass case in front of which the incredulous traveller is able to find himself mere inches away from one of the oldest and most incredible icons of human history.

Meanwhile, here are some reflections on my own visit to that very room, from five years ago.

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