Thursday 17 March 2016


SLIDES 0220-0221

In these final two photographs of that SS Canberra trip in 1964, my Grandparents are finally back at home in England and, presumably, about to depart Southampton and make the long journey northwards in that rather fabulous old Rover, not unlike the one Seigfried Farnon used to drive in the post-war episodes of "All Creatures Great and Small" I seem to recall.

Grandad was always rather fond of the Rover. In fact I think that he owned two of them over the years, if the various slides I've scanned are anything to go by. There are certainly two that feature heavily, with different plates, so I imagine it must be so.

He did take a lot of pictures of his Rover(s) by the way, so I guess we'll be coming back to those later. Oddly enough, there are far fewer of the green Volvo which was his last car and which is far trendier nowadays, but we'll come to that as and when.

In fact, all of the cars in these final two shots are rather gorgeous, and I find there there are few things that evoke a lost world other than the cars that can be seen in the pictures other than the clothes and the shop signs.

Lost worlds... They always conjure up the nostalgic romantic side of me, which is why, I think, we are likely to persist with this project. 

After all, the very next set of slides that we come to are of Canberra again, almost one year later, in July/August 1965...

Stay tuned...!

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