Tuesday, 22 November 2011


Postcards from beyond the brink #11

Dear Anyone Vaguely Interested,
On Christmas Eve 2009, as I packed away the last of the festive treats in preparation for the terrifyingly imminent holiday season, our old fridge committed suicide, in the sense that the door fell off in a spectacular way as I put the extra large carton of semi-skimmed into what you might just call the Milk Tray” if that didnt conjure up images of sinister men in black sneaking into the bedrooms of young women all over the country as they slept and leaving them the gift of unsolicited chocolates, as it might to many people of about my age.
On Christmas Eve, for (insert preferred deity name here)’s sake!!! The one day when (if you are lucky enough) you have the fridge full to bursting and there's not the slightest hope of either getting an engineer to come out, or a shop being open to get a replacement or to restock your foodstuffs as they defrost merrily away. Why is it that, if there is a worst possible moment to choose, that’s the moment the fates will pick? Happily a bit of home-made technology involving careful positioning of a chair, kept things together throughout Christmas week and a new fridge (ordered online) was delivered in the ice and snow of New Year’s Eve morning without dropping off the pallet. In the meanwhile, the official” website for the original appliance maker had suggested calling out an engineer with a callout fee of £134 and I had suspected I would probably have to pay him that to come and tell me the door had fallen off…
I declined…

1 comment:

  1. I too know the feeling of fridge and freezer trouble having lost a half dozen lobsters, an ocean full of large prawns, salmon, cod, and sea bass along with a cornucopia of expensive meat joints this year in what I can only describe as 'The blinking eye cottage freezer incident.'

    Next time I will heed the clicking of warning lights.
