Wednesday, 16 November 2011


Postcards from beyond the brink #5

Dear All,
One of the strange quirks of my eyesight is that when I stare at these tiles from any distance without my glasses on, the blurring causes various shapes to appear that only I could recognise, because only I have that particular fault in my eyesight that needs correcting. Im sure that anyone else looking at them with enough intensity would see many things other than the devil, Mestor, a Vervoid, Jon Pertwee’s eyes & nose, and Sutekh the Destroyer. Perhaps what we see tells us more about ourselves than we realise, but I do wonder what other people might  see if they squint at these tiles.
The problem with being human beings living on this planet is that we see shapes and shadows that remind us of the things around us that are familiar to us. Hence the faces seen in the mountains of Mars, or the face of Jesus found in the surface of a piece of toast. I’m sure that the eight-tentacled barnacle beings from the planet Vlaaarg would just as equally recognise themselves in the mountains of the Earth if they ever chose to look for such things too.


  1. Yes, I see pictures in everything too. It is fun most of the time, but not when you see tiny chickens in the patterns of tiles.

  2. No, no... Not the chickens!

  3. Mum had the chickens!

    S x
