Saturday 10 October 2015


Another failed entry to the "Flash Fiction" thing. The rules are very simple; The "story" has to be less than 150 words and feature a particular prompt word (which is the one in brackets).

IN THE BELLY (steam)

Sweat glistened on every exposed inch of skin as the men frantically shoveled coal into the ever-hungry boilers. Deep in the bowels of the mighty liner, few words were ever exchanged, the ear-smashing thumping of the engines saw to that, but a look or two exchanged could speak volumes.

They all knew that the head of steam being demanded from the bridge would probably mean that the Blue Riband would be theirs for the taking, but the risks were enormous, and everyone this far down knew that not one of them had much change of survival.

So, when the crunch did come, and threw them all off their feet, it was still so unexpected that many of them forgot what the escape  ladders were for.

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