Wednesday 21 October 2015


Another failed entry to the "Flash Fiction" thing. The rules are very simple; The "story" has to be less than 150 words and feature a particular prompt word (which is the one in brackets). This is another one that failed to even make the cut. The paranoiac in me might suspect "cliqueism" so fukkem… here it is despite them:

MORNING (Scramble)

He walks into the room, eyes heavy with the weariness that comes from failing to get enough sleep.

A tear erupts and slowly trickles from his left eye, itching down his face until he brushes it away with a slight movement from a finger on its way to rub some life back into his senses and bludgeon the day into being.

He moves towards the window, his mind reaching out to seek whatever noise it was that woke him. He takes a step, and another, and then he stops again, his forehead furrowing into a deep frown sculpted by the shadows of this half-light.

"There was something… Some reason…" a faraway voice seems to whisper to him.

It's his own voice, and would still seem familiar if his ageing brain hadn't begun to scramble every memory and make him lose track of the person he used to think he was.

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