Friday 9 October 2015

JOSTLE 091015

Do pardon me, the train's so crowded
I wish I could make amends
It may seem that we're very close
But we're jostle good friends

"Watson, may I introduce Inspector  from Scotland Yard" said Holmes "a man who has punched & clawed his way to the top!"

I don't like big crowds
All that shouting and 
I'd much rather stay home
And crack open a bottle

"" (from Kelvin Clone) - the fragrance that - Whoops! - Now you've got it everywhere ;-)

Just take it easy -
You'll all get through in the end -
No need to jostle

Jostle -
°To bump into or brush against while in motion.
°To move through by pushing and shoving.
°An experience in which jostling occurs.
°Being crowded or in a condition of jostling.

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