Thursday 1 October 2015


Another of those Twittergames that I keep on contributing to. These are the ones I've done this year (newest to oldest, and I wonder how many stories anyone will recognise now. I do keep adding to these from time-to-time, so "bear with…" (and feel free to join in using the hashtag if you want to…)

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I told Mam that our country had been found to be best at death. "Pity about the bit before" she replied, cruelly.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "HOW much for a gold bikini?" asked Ma, taking a sidelong glance at her sparkly tights drying in front of the fire

#NewAlanBennettMonologues When she heard about the snipers it just confirmed to Ma that she'd always been right to be suspicious of lentils.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Maud was rather surprised to find that Henry had put a lock on the drawer where she kept her shopping bags.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Eric the Newsagent tried to tell me that it was now compulsory to smoke in the car once I'd dropped the kids off.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues My very bald Uncle Frank decided to complain about his haircut because he didn't look like George Clooney after it

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "Ooh, can I keep the bag?" asked Mabel, thinking that the shop would give her a shilling for each one she returned.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "A prison with a better view in Jamaica?" cried Ma "I think your Uncle Frank went on holiday there last summer…"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "1p for a carrier bag?" cried Maud firmly dunking a bourbon "They must owe me a fortune for using my own trolley."

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "I know he said his speech might be a bit boring" Ma said, "but weren't we offered a new kind of politics?"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Didn't that fellow who coughed up for the John Logie Baird recording know he could get it for £5 on DVD at Asda?

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "If that Brucie had his way" said Ma "Your smut would never get on the telly at all!" "I know, Ma" I wept "I know"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Ma, Maud & Ada got whacked out of their skulls last night, and then they got the munchies for cheese.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I thought I heard Ma whistling the new James Bond song but it was just her new teeth. We never talked of it again.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Ada told Maud she wanted Nigel Farage tattooed on her arm but at the first sign of the prick she changed her mind.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Mother was reading the obituaries. "I think it's safe to leave out our pic-er-nic baskets again, son" she remarked

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Auntie Vi and Auntie Win looked at each other askance, but we all knew one of them was lying about their emissions

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Mother opened her Daily Mail "Tssk!" she muttered "I don't know why they're making so much of such a little thing"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Ada started putting "dislikes" on post-it notes in her front window until it got so dark she couldn't find her pen

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "With all this talk of landslides & earthquakes" said Mam "this political landscape sounds a very dangerous place"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Dad's old bathroom joke about Ma being on the throne so long he should call her Victoria needed a bit of a rethink

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Ma wanted to know what a selfie was, so I took one "Oh no!" she said "I don't like that! Can you do someone else?"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Ada's rule for choosing the next leader was simple; It came down to precisely which biscuit they'd choose to take.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Mother was getting flustered about the all-night tube until I reassured her that I'd put the cap on the toothpaste

#NewAlanBennettMonologues The man renting out pedalos on the boating lake asked to see my boarding card but I didn't get tuppence off my 99.

"Do I what?" he asked.
"Hunt!" I replied.
It was a mistake to ask him about hunting whilst he drilled my tooth.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues My Uncle Frank's on the run again. His prison brought in a smoking ban, & they insisted he went outside to do it.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "I never did understand golf" said mother. "That's Bargain Hunt" I replied "but he does dress very like a golfer…"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Looking through the photos Gran paused "It may look odd now, but we all nailed our friends to trees in those days"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "Oddly..." mother announced archly "That Beryl has suddenly stopped talking about learning to juggle in Portland."

#NewAlanBennettMonologues The ladies of the sewing circle didn't think much of my new play, so I attacked a fruit scone with a butter knife.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "I don't like using contactless, I'd rather I just put it in the slot" said Henry.
"Wouldn't we all?" hissed Maud.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "We've nearly got to Pluto!" I cried. "I didn't think you were all that fond of dogs" mother replied sniffily.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "I found all sorts of new & unexpected particles on our butcher's pork pies" said I "but it was a small matter..."

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "Why do these men playing for those ashes have to wear white?" Ada asked "It'll be a bugger to get the marks out!"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "This Mr Osborne may think he has all the answers" mused Maud "but carrying that handbag with those shoes...?"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "I'm not sure that I understand this Greece thing" said Mabel "Does it mean John Travolta is no longer president?"

@chapmanj100 "Oh, I do like to see a nicely trimmed Bush" said Mabel enigmatically as she sipped at her Earl Grey #NewAlanBennettMonologues

"...but at least Aunt Ethel's fruit scones had risen properly in the oven, so that was something."#NewAlanBennettMonologues

#NewAlanBennettMonologues My doctor said that he would be delighted to see me on a Sunday but it turned out that his caddy had let him down

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I tried to rewrite one of my plays from the point of view of the Cream Cracker, but the results were rather cheesy

#NewAlanBennettMonologues The shouty man driving on my television is going to be replaced by a different shouty man, only this time in red.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues It seems that the odds of me winning this Lotto I don't play remains much the same with the proposed rule changes.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Thora heard all about Manchester becoming a tornado hot spot, but wasn't sure they were ready for such spicy food.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Mother took her cardie off on Kinder Scout and this caused a spirit-related kerfuffle in Chapel-en-le-Frith.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I couldn't pick this "Sir Bradley Wiggins" out of a line-up. I keep thinking he’s that mill owner in the sitcom.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I got an email from a "ravishing hottie" who offered me "sweet love" but I'm happy enough with my barley sugars.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I wasn’t being coarse when I told Doris about the bankers they’re letting go, mother… & no, I don’t need a tissue.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Such a fuss about a Welsh dinosaur. We had one of those in Leeds years ago. He ran a mobile cafe & was called Rex.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I got stuck in a lift with 3 nuns & a football once, but we amused ourselves well enough by playing the shell game

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Brian got so obsessed with Springwatch that he dismantled his grandfather's entire clock collection.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues ever since it found out that the most talented thing in Britain was a dog, next door's cat has started on a novel.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I saw that Hunger Games on my television last week. It's a little like Eurovision but without the sense of danger.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I'm not sure I'd be happy about letting Wolves run loose on the streets of Leeds; Unless I was a barber of course.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues If the earth moved in Kent I'm sure it was only due to that Gladys Mabelthorpe dropping a tray of her best scones.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues All this fuss about a cake reminds me of that time when Auntie Jess wouldn't give any rock cakes to those scouts.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I was quite looking forward to getting pulled over by the Moldovan police when I saw their uniforms on Eurovision.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I put on high heels to walk on Thora's red carpet but they ruined her nap & caught in the trousers of my best suit.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "Apse" "cult" "funk" "shut" "wink" "ballcocks"- We all breathed a sigh of relief when that game of Scrabble ended.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I told Mam that Chuka Umunna had withdrawn his name from the contest. She just stared back at me incredulously.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I wanted to take Mam out for a Bank Holiday rail outing but she's happy to make do with looking at our back fence.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I see that the PM had that Scottish lady round for tea & a bit of a chat. I do wonder who provided the biscuits.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues It's rather strange that you can stop a fire engine with a lollipop but a load of old humbugs can run a country.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Ma had little sympathy for Mr Theedge & his plummet; "Just showing off. I'm more worried about who he landed on."

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Lucien told me that he wanted to paint me in the nude, so it rather bemused me when he handed me his trousers.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Maud sat back & paused mid-sip "No, not snarling or thin-skinned" she said momentarily "Just a little bit lizardy"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Mother isn't convinced that she wants a Northern Powerhouse; Says she still wants to get her Duracells from Asda.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I once tried to smuggle a pair of hot dogs into Lancashire but got found out & was sent home with a flea in my ear

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I do so worry about the Patagonian Toothfish and whether the fluoride in my tube of Colgate causes it any mither.
#NewAlanBennettMonologues I'd got quite concerned about the swing to the right but now I'm told it's nothing that better underwear can't fix

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I'm a bit flustered over the Prince's private papers. If they find out what I spend on jam there'll be hell to pay

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I told Auntie Vi that they were thinking of a recount. She paused mid-scone "I don't see why, he already was one"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "I knew that they'd not be picking that Kelvin Patterson for the side again. Not after what I saw in Sainsburys..."

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "I don't think much of the new cabinet" she muttered, reaching for a custard cream, "it looks to me like veneer..."

#NewAlanBennettMonologues That painting might be worth millions, I said, but I wouldn't give it house-room unless it had a nice scottie dog.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "I knew that Farage would be back" he mused "I should have squirted the patio with Weedol when I had the chance."

#NewAlanBennettMonologues "I saw what was written on that bus" gasped Maud in an obvious state "if that's the price of inflation I'll walk

"As boys, those brothers never got on" said Mabel.
"Dave & Ed?" I enquired.
"Marks & Spencer" she replied, darkly

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Someone said that the country was full, but there's plenty of room for manoeuvre when I head out to the cake shop.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I told her that a reshuffle didn't mean that the PM had lost mam's pension in Monte Carlo but she wouldn't have it I told her that a reshuffle didn't mean that the PM had lost mam's pension in Monte Carlo but she wouldn't have it

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Mam fretted about the lack of government. "There'll be anchovies in the UK" she wept "and what about my lumbago?"

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Mildred started fretting about the lack of government. "There'll be anchovies in the UK" she wept "and the salt plays havoc with my lumbago.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Mother took the PM's visit to the Queen rather well, considering. "I hope he washed his hands" was all she said.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I tried writing a Dr Who once but my style didn't gel; "A stale macaroon isn't a big enough threat". We disagreed

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I told mother there was going to be an election, but when I said she'd have to put an X in a box, she threw me out.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I'm told down under is the best place to go for crickets, but all I found in our cellar was wood lice and mould.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Thora & I had an altercation over a bag of cheese & onion crisps, so I took a swing, but she preferred the slide.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues They tell me it's happiness day. I'm not sure how I feel about it. It's not as if there's a day dedicated to ennui, is it?

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Mother wanted to watch the moon disappear, so I asked the trouserless youth next door to stop sitting on our wall.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues A nice man telephoned to tell me that my computer was misbehaving. I thanked him, and returned to my knitting.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues A lady rang to tell me about my pee pee eye. I told her that it was much better since I'd been using the ointment

#NewAlanBennettMonologues She told me she worried about drones, so I took the batteries out of her deaf-aid and we heard no more about it.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Brian told me that he wanted to be a "super hero", but there was nothing super about the way those tights chafed.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I was going to make a pinhole camera to watch the eclipse, but it seems a lot of bother & my tea all leaked out.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues Mabel bought me one of those fancy new smartphones. It didn't seem all that smart to me, so I use it as a coaster.

#NewAlanBennettMonologues I went to the newspaper shop & tried to buy Mentos, but we disagreed about the pronunciation & I left disappointed.

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