Wednesday 26 November 2014


NOVEMBER 06 (Cont'd)

We left Little River and faced a pretty long drive towards our next destination, the town of Santa Rosa, a place which we had briefly visited one Tuesday long before, when my Beloved had been suffering from a migraine, and which was once the main location for Alfred Hitchcock's film "Shadow of a Doubt", and where a museum that I particularly wanted to visit just happened to be closed on Tuesdays.

We hurtled along the old "two-lane blacktop" passing through dark curtains of Redwood trees, and then the landscape started to change and we were back in Wine Country again and I just had to stop at random just outside a little Vineyard that turned out to be called "Goldeneye" to mark the arrival of autumn (or, if you prefer "fall") to the Wine Country, judging from the spectacular colourscapes that were on display amongst the grape vines.

It's not only Halloween that the Americans celebrate in a far larger way than we at least used to, but the entire season of fall.

Pumpkins and many of the decorations that we associate with Halloween remain in place long after you might expect them to, and only finally seem to get packed away by the arrival of Thanksgiving (and the beginning of the run-up towards Christmas) towards the end of November and long after we had returned home from our little visit.

But we're very fond of Pumpkins and had wondered whether we might have missed the best of them by travelling on the day after Halloween, but we needn't have worried, because they really were pretty much everywhere, even outside the "Warm Puppy" cafe, which was waiting for us at our next destination, the Charles M Schulz Museum in Santa Rosa.

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