Thursday 20 November 2014


NOVEMBER 02 (Cont’d)

Part of the pre-planning (such as it was) for this latest trip was that we were going to spend more time watching the birds, any other wildlife that came along, and visiting the State Parks as much as possible.

With this in mind, instead of heading straight to Sonoma and our booked hotel, after slogging it around the planet for the better part of twenty-four hours, we headed off along Highway 1 and up the coast towards Point Reyes.

Because of the philosophy we had embraced, however, within twenty minutes or so, we had already spotted a sign, pulled off the “Highlighted Route” (as “Min” the Sat-Nav was prone to call it) and pulled into a car park after having spotted a sign announcing “Muir Overlook” and it was, in all honesty, a pretty wonderful place to stop for half an hour or so.

Apart from the spectacular views, and the deer we spotted disappearing over the headland, there were some exciting looking birds of prey circling overhead, and, for once, I was able, after a great deal of failure, to get some pretty decent snapshots of them.

These, it turned out, were “Turkey Vultures” and, at the time, I got terribly excited at the presence of them.

Granted, we did not then yet appreciate how ubiquitous they might actually prove to be, and within a week we would be referring to them as “Oh, just some more Turkey Vultures” whenever we spotted them, but for a few minutes on that jet-lagged first morning, they were the most exciting thing in the world.

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