Tuesday 12 August 2014


For various reasons, partly as a bit of a favour to a friend, but mostly to help me remember where I've been, a few weeks ago I started posting the odd short review on a website known as "TripAdvisor" which was kind of fair enough, and not too demanding, and, because I didn't have to write anything bad (because I only seem to want to tell the world about places I like) not very stressful.

Anyway, since I have been paddling in this tiny pool, I had written about half a dozen vaguely complimentary pieces, and knew that there were unlikely to be any more for a while given that, for me at least, the holiday season was pretty much over for the time being.

Then it was suggested to me that I hadn't written anything about the more local attractions in the area around where I live and, do you know what?

They had a good point.

What's the point in telling everyone about all of the great things so far away whilst neglecting to tell anyone about the things that are far closer to home.

And so, despite having perhaps got a little bit giddy, and possibly having developed a tendency towards the flippant, here's the content of that review - of the Stockport Garrick theatre - in full, and just in case I'm asked to take it down sometime soon.

Doth fluster me that a place so olde,
Can only find seven that are so bold,
As to write reviews for their place,
Which produces plays which are quite “ace”,
And has done since the dawne of time -
(or at least Victoria’s reign sublime)

It’s been some time since I did last
Attend a play performed by their cast
But the quality of their shows before
Kicked bad notions of “AmDram” out of the door
And their standards are, they maintain,
For professionalism at least to aim.

And beyond the stage there is much more---
Water Closets and refreshments galore,
As well as a bar, which I have found
To be more “sexed up” than once was found---
(No in “that” way I’m sure you’ll see
But as a friendly place to be.)

So dragge yourself to this venue
For there’s always something new to view,
And a bit of theatre serves you well-y
Instead of sitting watching telly.
Culture’s good for the soul they say
And here there’s not too much to pay.

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