Wednesday 27 August 2014


The cupboard is bare… Again.

I’ve got nothing in the tank… Again.

There’s nada, nichts, nothing in my head and the usual regular stream of waffle that springs from Lesser Blogfordshire seems to have run dry… Again.

My head currently contains little other than fresh air, and sentences and paragraphs seem to be not coagulating in any meaningful way, hence the recent run of fallow mornings in our mutual quest for enlightenment, self-pity, self-loathing, or whatever else we usually manage to squeeze out of the damp sponge our daily ritual of metaphor-mangling.

Actually, there seems to be precious little danger of anything managing to coagulate, to be frank, because even the individual words don’t seem to want to pop in and say “hi” before going off and finding a partner to dance with, with a view towards persuading the rest of the wallflower words to join the not-so-jolly conga line.

Instead I lie there, bereft of all ideas, feeling as if I’ve reluctantly turned up at the dance hall, but arrived on the wrong evening.

Anyway, this is a round and round and roundabout, coming on down, and round and round, with a dosey-doe, a twirl and a shimmy to the left, and another to the right, and bow to your partner way of trying to explain to you that there may be few contributions to the world of wordsmithery emanating from these here parts over the next few days unless there’s a sudden significant “click” of the “on” switch in my mind.

However, do not despair…!

(Despair is, after all, usually my contribution to this particular relationship…)

There’s plenty of old, unfinished and unpublished stuff bubbling away in my files, and I may yet dust some of these off and let you have a peek at them instead. After all, I’ve threatened to do this time and time again, and, let’s be honest, if I didn’t actually tell you how ancient most of them were, I don’t imagine you’d even notice, and, furthermore, if I’m only holding back because I’m either ashamed of the content or ashamed of the quality of the writing, well, you’re hardly likely to notice that, either.

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