Friday 15 August 2014


I’ve been strangely distracted from BlogWorld during the past few weeks. Oh, it’s always been out there, singing its siren song, you understand, but, for a while at least, I managed to resist it, not least because the brain was lacking inspiration and the sense of self-doubt was eating away at me, persuading me that none of it mattered all of that much anyway.

Instead I found other fish to fry, and other holidays to take, and allowed Lesser Blogfordshire fade into the background whilst I, rather bizarrely, found myself being more sociable on the internet than I had been for quite some considerable time.

A deluge of postings; Some actual “chit-chat”; and (perhaps most surprisingly of all) actual engagement with the world around me, as I found myself noticing the clouds above my head. This, of course, led to a new compulsion, and regular cloudscapes started appearing next to my byline.

Of course, Lesser Blogfordshire still called out to me and, whilst I wasn’t yet prepared to declare the patient well and truly dead, it was definitely “resting” for the forseeable.

But then, slowly, it began to resurface, re-emerge blinking into the starlight, and yet, for a time, nobody appeared to notice, because, I finally realised, the deluge of other nonsense was disguising the links to this nonsense.

And that has proved a point.


The point is that you can hide a blog in a forest of words, especially if you don’t point out that the link you’ve provided is to the blog. After all, you can’t really expect anyone else to remember the boring details of the contents of a URL and notice that it’s different to every other link you’ve posted, and when there are so many other pretty things to distract them with, a sad, forlorn little beacon can get slightly passed by… and that goes for people, too, by the way.

The world is full of busy people with lots of other things to think about.

Anyway, just in case you hadn’t noticed, Lesser Blogfordshire is back, but it might yet prove to be more irregular than once it was, so, if you really want to be bothered (and, let’s be honest, why would you?) then you’ll have to pay more attention…!

Or not obviously.
After all, it’s not as if I’m incapable of losing track myself. About two years ago, I started another blog which was called, perhaps rather appropriately “Light Under A Bushel” and it produced about a fortnight’s worth of nonsense about this and that before petering out in the face of general disinterest.

You may remember it – although you most probably don’t. Six of the pieces were about a Captain Nemo comic adaptation which I had remembered from my youth and dug out of the boxes to share with a world that seemed to have forgotten about it, and the others were about other things which I’d dug out of the loft.

Anyway, it sat there forgotten and unloved until this very week when a gentleman who was working on his own Captain Nemo Archive stumbled upon it and left me a message telling me how pleased he was to have found it.

So, having all but forgotten that it existed myself, it turned out that there was, eventually, some point to it after all, although, having explored that forgotten dark corner once again, I discovered eight unpublished pieces there, that I’d never got around to putting a final polish on and posting, and which I might yet decide to open up to the world, so that’s something new for us all to look forward to.

After all, alongside the three-hundred plus unpublished drafts still lurking in Lesser Blogfordshjire (yes, really, although many are less than a line of thought…) there might be enough to keep us all amused for a little while longer even if I never think of another word.

All these distractions, eh…?

No wonder nothing gets done.


  1. For me there is no escaping your blog. It is there on my desktop all the time.

    1. Lurking… Waiting to pounce… Like your worst nightmare...
