Friday 1 February 2013


After its ignominious few hours lying at the edge of the pavement, some passing stranger has lifted the mildly convincing (but ultimately obviously just a toy) lizard, which I mentioned a few days ago, up onto the top of the wall, presumably so that someone who might be looking for their lost plaything might find it easier to find.

This was, of course, not necessarily the wisest of choices because the texture of the lizard’s back does camouflage it rather well against the rocky surface upon which it now sits.

So much so, in fact, that I have completely failed to notice it was there on more than one occasion now, and muttered to myself about how someone must have picked it up, before spotting it again...


At around about eye-level.

In the kind of disconcerting way that still surprises the unwary passer-by (and me - for I am am a bear of very little brain with the attention span of an elderly goldfish and a memory like one of those things that you drain pasta with...) if you fail to warn them that it’s there...

“Don’t be alarmed, but...”

“Well, now I AM alarmed... What the hell’s THAT?!?”

Because it’s truly a freaky looking thing to come across when you notice it unexpectedly, looking very convincingly large-lizard-like in the half-light of the typical streetlamp, looking for all the world as if it’s about to pounce...

I’ve still not found out anything more about the hidden history of this lost and found thing, and I probably never will. Like the mysterious Captain Kirk toy that I once found in my garden as I hacked back the undergrowth, it seems destined to fall into that intriguing box of mystery of unknowable unknowns...

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