Monday 11 February 2013


On Saturday I woke up facing the happy prospect of a first weekend to myself for a while after the four consecutive previous ones had been partially devoured by matters of a hospital visiting nature.

Sadly, this delightful prospect was not to be granted me, but then I suppose I ought to have learnt by now that things are simply never going to be allowed to go my way, no matter how much I need them to.

I should have known something was up as I staggered to the keyboard. Firstly, the stuff I was writing was coming from a dark, spiteful and wholly illogical place, and my ability to hit the right keys in anything approaching the correct order seemed to be something of a struggle. Then the blind spot in my direct vision started to form and slowly transformed into the full-blown impairment of vision associated with the onset of my familiar old adversary, the dreaded weekend migraine.

However, the vision managed to clear after about thirty minutes of intense concentration, and I was able to stagger downstairs to go through the tricky process of brewing up a mug of tea when you can’t quite work out how to place the kettle and the lead into a position of mutual satisfaction.

Then the phone rang and it became pretty apparent that my time spent suffering in the attic meant that I had missed the several messages left by my mother who was then in the process of having herself readmitted to hospital after an entire five whole days at home, and my crest well and truly fell at the prospect of this sad and irritating saga continuing into yet another weekend and beyond, just after I thought I had put it behind me again.

There are only fifty or so weekends in the average year, and already five of them have been devoured by this debacle.

An added complication is that a shortage of beds meant that she had been placed in an establishment which is fully double the amount of miles from my home as the usual one is, which will compound the massive irritation and reduce still further the time remaining for me to recuperate, eat, and generally keep the wretched nothingness of my own life together.

Meanwhile, the brewing migraine meant that, instead of leaping into “dutiful son” mode (an option which never comes all that easily to me) I instead went back to bed for the rest of the day, a personal choice because I was unfit to drive, given that I couldn’t really see all that clearly, but already I can sense that I am going to pay a large emotional price for that act of selfishness…

One of the advantages of migraines, however, is the dreams that it gives you, and overnight, the perfect new play finally formed in my mind, only for me to wake up having realised that it was derivative sci-fi nonsense and more than a little bit awful, too.

The set was pretty good, though, and it’s nice to know that the creative juices are capable of flowing again, even if they are just running down into the sewers…

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