Wednesday 1 June 2016


SLIDE 0618 

This next box of slides actually has a label and is rather promisingly entitled "Christmas 1974, etc" which does at least imply that it might contain photographs of family gatherings, and more opportunities for this blog's author to humiliate himself for your amusement once again by revealing more pictures from his youth, this time taken when he was an excitable and enthusiastic ten-year-old.

If you come to mock, you will not be disappointed.

But not today though, not today.

Today's disappointments are of quite a different hue.

The order is all over the place, you understand, so we have to begin with this single and rather unspectacular image of a poinsettia in a bowl on a serving trolley.

That serving trolley had a pretty long life if truth be told, only finally vanishing after we cleared out my mother's flat after her death in 2013.

I suspect that the plant was long gone before any of that happened, of course.


  1. There is something so un-Christmasy about poinsettias. They seemed to appear all the time in my childhood in cheap Christmas cards imported from the US along with that travesty of a Christmas bird, the American robin. This arrangement seems to also contain an African violet, asparagus fern and some form of prayer plant. I think it's a great example of 70's M&S planter gift, although I would have preferred the soap on a rope. Not quite the holly and the ivy, but that was very passe back then when life had to appear so wonderfully exotic.

  2. ...and another thing. just why did Disney use an American robin in Mary Poppins (Spoonful of Sugar) when the story was firmly set in London. It's almost as if they didn't do their research. At least they managed a real Cockney chimney sweep.
