Thursday 2 June 2016


SLIDES 0619-0620

"Christmas 1974, etc"

Like I said, the order of these pictures is all over the place, so this could be our "Fix those grins before heading off to our grandparents house" pictures taken on Christmas morning, or they could be our "Thank God, it's nearly over" arrival back home after the hostilities festivities are over.

The goblets (!!!) of booze might suggest that it's later in the day, anyway.

Or it could be neither, and I have a sneaking suspicion that it isn't, but instead might just be the mildly stressful and/or exciting opening moments of one of my parents greatest follies, the "Boxing Day Open House" that appeared to so disappoint my mother for several of our family Christmases.

About which, more another time.

Anyway, I do at least appear to be quite pleased - excitement is so easy to come by when you are ten and have little in the way of awareness about social pressures.

That was still to come, but, in the meanwhile, my "Radio One Raccoon" (it had a radio inside it - its nipples were knobs - not a sentence you get to use every day...) and "Wilberforce the NotWomble" do appear to be enough to make me at least appear vaguely happy...


  1. Christmas eh Martin? You look happy enough though, so that's a good thing. Did you get your booze down your neck later?

    1. I think I saw these pictures, realised that smiling makes you look dim, and resolved never to do so again...

  2. Not in your case. It is the smile of hope. Your mum looks bit distracted.

    1. Well, I've never known anyone that's a parent that isn't certifiably insane...

  3. AnonymousJune 03, 2016

    What is that absolutely hideous outfit I am wearing? I suppose it may have been fashionable back then, but still! Incidentally, did you know Sallie still has your Radio 1 Raccoon?

    S x
