Tuesday 7 June 2016


SLIDE 0639

This latest box is, perhaps rather alarmingly, labelled... 
Stockport Air Crash June 1967
...and is, perhaps, one of the boxes that I personally found more interesting and most remembered from whenever it was I first delved into this box of old slides several years ago, back in the times when it was less easy for me to "digitise" them.

History, eh...? Always popping up when you least expect it.

Now, obviously, because he was not a monster or that sort of a ghoul, it does not contain pictures of any young victims of that dreadful disaster, but merely demonstrates that, even when my Grandfather did make the slightest of efforts to label his slides, sometimes he got the juxtaposition of his descriptions spectacularly wrong.

There are a few pictures of the site of that sad event (which we will come to later), because he had got "form" when it comes to taking pictures of engineering failures as we have already seen, and there are also several pictures of my sister and I when we were children, as well as - in a jam-packed medley, some presumably non-sinister flowerbeds.

Apart from the fact that we must have featured on the same roll of film, I can't really think of any other connection between the two sets of pictures, or indeed, those others that are unremarked upon on the label.

Anyhow, this particular box only contains twelve slides, and before we get to the other eleven, the box starts off with this random street scene of a row of smart red-brick terraced houses, and a rather splendid green motor car, as well as a fire hydrant sign. Of the street and the car, I know absolutely nothing, although I do recognise a fire hydrant sign when I see one.

It could very well be that these are some of the houses not too far from where the aircraft came down, or it could be a friend's house that they visited, or a house that they once lived in. Maybe it's a place where we once went and was where some of the pictures of us as children were taken. Other than that, I don't have a clue. It's certainly not a street that I recognise, or remember having any significance in my life.

That said, I was only about three years old then, so I hardly remember anything at all about those times, a blessing for those of us whose lives are not tainted to this day by their own memories of any disaster.

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to complain about that bloody parking. It's an obstruction and isn't that a bloody pavement anyway?

    Disgruntled of Hale
