Tuesday 23 April 2013


I know that nowadays most people seem to go into Manchester for the shopping or the concerts or the pubs and clubs, and that’s all well and good if you’re into that sort of thing, but the last time I was there (Saturday April 13th, 2013 - if you were wondering when the pictures were taken...) I didn’t really have anything much to do and I was able to take a step back and look up to a line above the shop fronts and I saw some terrific architecture that tend to spend a lot of time just not being noticed by all the busy people who are far too entranced by the shiny baubles and trinkets on display in the windows at ground level.

If you do have the time, though, it’s worth just taking a moment to look up, because there are some great buildings in Manchester, both modern and dating back to the boom years following the industrial revolution, as opposed to the other boom years which ripped the heart out of the city centre and led to the demise of many of the older buildings.

But there are enough of those fascinating and rather intricate old ones surviving amidst the gleaming glass and steel to give an impressive hint of the old city.

If you just look up…


  1. You can see why Manchester has made such a good film set for New York.
