Friday 26 April 2013


I ought to inform my regular readers (and anyone else, obviously) that your normal daily helpings of nonsense might be disrupted for a few days. My mother’s health has recently taken a distinct and dramatic turn for the worse and, whilst I tend to generally go with the “where there’s life there’s hope” philosophy, to be perfectly frank with you, the long-term (and even short-term) prognosis is not looking too promising at present (even “time-delaying” this posting seems to be tempting fate, if you know what I mean… after all, usually we are nearly always lagging a couple of days behind real life in these postings...) - although I’m always willing to be proved wrong about that, and accept that we might all be looking back and laughing at my dramatic over-reactions in a year or so... but quite honestly, I doubt it.

I’m sure that the long, dark and sleepless nights to come will find me tapping away at the keyboard trying to make some kind of sense out of the chaos that’s currently in my life and mind (for which I should apologise in advance) - after all, its what I do... -  but if you do come here looking for the usual fayre over the next few days, you might be disappointed to find nothing new to read about, at least for a little while, or at least nothing pleasant as this dark corner might get very dark indeed...

Unless, of course, I feel shallow enough to allow some of the vapid nonsense that I wrote before all this started to somehow escape into the big wide world with that vague sense of “not wanting to let people down” which sometimes overwhelms me rather pointlessly...

Or unless I do find the time and the energy to keep on writing about this and other stuff, of course, in which case this announcement is all going to seem a little bit misguided, I suppose…

Anyway, one way or another, I’m sure that I will return to torment your minds sometime in the near future, but until then…

See you on the other side… or even sooner, perhaps...


  1. See you later dear boy.

  2. Very sorry to hear that... take care and we'll be here whenever you return.

    1. Oh, I've already spent some of the wee small hours writing a lot of pain-soaked nonsense for the delectation and delight of everyone in particular...

      Stay tuned...!

      (Although be warned. Those forthcoming musings might lack a certain amount of "entertainment" value...)
