Monday 29 June 2015


The raging, furious sun
Bears silent, unblinking witness
To the madness of the butcher’s block
On the blood-drenched beaches
Where relaxed, calm
Happy-go-lucky strangers
Are ripped open by the madness
Of the boy with the gun

Blood and sand,
Sand and blood ---
What’s the bloody point?
When our bad is your good?

What he thought he’d done
What did he think he’d gain?
Taking everything they ever were
And what they might have been
Aiming steel, shooting lead
At soft targets, happy souls
Put in endless rivers of pain
Played out under blazing sun

Blood and sand,
Sand and blood ---
What’s the bloody point?
What goes on inside that hood?

Echoing reminders
Of other blood-stained sands
Where blades of misery
Have taken heads and hearts -
The rage and fury of misdirected youth
Promises of some golden dawn
Bringing a new world of pain
And nowhere near yet done

Blood and sand,
Sand and blood ---
What’s the bloody point?
We’ll stop you and we should

Is this the price we pay
For blood spilt on desert sands
With the smart bombs and the drones
And our own boys with their guns?
The slaughter of more innocents
In schools and hospital beds
Is always too high a price to pay
But don’t tell me we thought we’d won

Blood and sand,
Sand and blood ---
Who the bloody hell
Knows the bad from the good?

We just can’t understand
How other lives can mean so little
Wiping out what’s different
For having a different point of view -
Filling minds with gilded dreams of fitting in
In places where the strangeness is not you
Covering the sands and beaches
With still more boys and yet more guns

Blood and sand,
Sand and blood ---
What’s the bloody point
Of an endless sea of blood?

Martin A W Holmes, June 2015

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