Sunday 28 June 2015


A gigantic wheel of steel, sitting on the shore,
As waves are lapping, a boy stands staring,
Made tiny by the vast bulk of its rusting hulk,
And sailing ships blow by, shunning and mocking
This engineering of their own demise,
This once mighty beating heart of a broken,
Forgotten long-lost battleship
And my boy grandfather
Taking pictures of ghostly shadows
So many years ago

How on earth did it get there, and where on earth is there?
It can’t have just floated in on the tide
The hundred-ton flotsam of some naval skirmish
From those bloody brutal maritimes
Did it merely roll there? Running away -
The last remains of a once-proud hulk stripped
To bare bones and less all around it
And my boy grandfather
Taking pictures of ghostly shadows
So very long ago

I can see that it’s a ship’s boiler, I know this from my books
Ghosts of other tragic steamers, born in a golden age
I can picture a teenager standing wet-footed
A box brownie held to his weak eyes
Capturing a moment, creating a mystery
A fleeting image of a tale it cannot tell
Where was he, and when, and what?
Just my boy grandfather
Taking pictures of ghostly shadows
A hundred years ago

Martin A W Holmes, June 2015

1 comment:

  1. Thank you.
    Still struggling with the "happy stuff" but the "angst, rage and fury" side seems to be brewing up nicely ;-)
