Saturday 13 June 2015


I’ve started listening to a show about words
It’s called “The Verb” on Radio Three
I rarely listen to it “live”
’cos it’s on too late for me.

I’ve set the Digital Recorder
On “series link” so I can get it
Although it seems more often than not
I’ll forget that I have set it.

Usually I’ll sit down at my desk
Sometime the following week
And when work becomes too vexing
Some distraction I will seek.

Then I’ll kick up the computer’s
Link to the world wide web
And pop in my pair of headphones
So I can listen to that instead.

But this Saturday I woke up
And thought about what to do
Then remembered that recording
Might provide something that’s new.

“The Love Song of J Alfred Prufrock”
Was the topic for this week
But my copy had some Bruckner
At the start bringing thoughts quite bleak.

It wasn’t the music’s fault I know,
That the concert over-ran…
But my listening became tense by wondering
Would it cut off Ian McMillan?

A forty-five minute programme
Missing five right off the start
The counter counted down and down ---
Be still my worrying heart.

Then, of course, it happened
In the middle of some speech
About a fruit-based metaphor
And cut them off mid-peach.

I leapt upon the website
To hear five minutes more
But their version had a similar curse
Although it had a minute more*.

But then I tried the podcast
Wondering if it would have the end
And because it contained the whole show
That podcast is now my friend.

Martin A W Holmes, June 2015

*Alternatively: "Although it had only lost four."


  1. The poetry thing. Clive James has it too.

  2. AnonymousJune 16, 2015

    Love this, and The Verb!
