Sunday 16 March 2014


Of course, I'd not really been paying attention to the adverts which popped up on my Kindle, nor had I really noticed the banners that appeared at the top of my screen whenever I went to have a quick peruse of my "Wish List", so it was only when a colleague happened to mention what a palaver he'd had to endure over the changes to his "LoveFilm" account that I realised that something may very well be afoot.

To be honest, we'd not been making the best use of our own account for the past few months anyway. Discs would arrive through the post, get put next to the TV set fr a few weeks, ignored and, eventually, get return unwatched as we realised that we probably weren't ever going to be in the mood for them.

Equally, despite having gone to the trouble of getting a device which made streaming of films and shows a possibility on our "Notsmart" TV, we hadn't really been doing it all the often and, in the very unusual circumstances when we might go and have a look and see if there was anything we fancied watching, there generally wasn't anything that quite hit the spot.

We haven't really embraced this brave new world of viewing opportunities, to be honest.

Neither of us sit around watching things on our computing devices, teffalones or tablets, and our commutes remain unsullied by the spectre of television, so we're not really all that great a fit for the new commercial exploitation of visual media.

I still prefer a physical shiny disc to a download, mostly because it's nice to have the "thing" itself, but also because I don't have an infinite amount of digital storage space which I want to fill up with tat.

Anyway, the crunch came this week.

After our "little chat" at work, I warned the Beloved that it appeared that changes were afoot with our account and, when I got home, we set about going through the motions of the update which was, on the whole straightforward enough, even though, when you kicked up the revised new screen on the television, rather alarming numbers indicating prices popped up all over the place, and whether or not you had to spend money on an account that was already linked to a credit card, did seem to depend upon what kind of account you had, and we struggled to find that out.

My internet searches found a lot of grumbling, a lot of it from parents who'd suddenly had to fork out for entire seasons of kid's TV because their children had inadvertently clicked on the wrong icon at the wrong time, and there did not seem to be an "Are you sure you want to buy…?" option with all of that "One-Click" purchasing going on.

In the end, we looked at each other and said, "Do you know what? we can live without this…" and so, after a long association of several years, we've now decided to finish the relationship, close down the accounts and not bother with it any more.

After all, we weren't exactly making the best use of it anyway.

One of the reasons we'd gone down the "LoveFilm" route all those years ago was that there were a number of films which we weren't all that fussed about seeing immediately, but might want to see at some point. In addition, going to the cinema was becoming so expensive and, given where we live, chewed up such a huge chunk of a day, that we'd begun to consider seeing our favourites by "other means…"

Recently, hover, our weekends have been filled up quite adequately with the discs and the downloads we've had on loan from other people and the backlog of programmes which we'd already recorded, without resorting to the need to watch even the films that "LoveFilm" had been sending us, and we'd certainly felt no need to trawl through the lists of old crap on their archives, because we were wasting enough time already.

So it's farewell then from us to "LoveFilm" and it's gigantic faceless money-grabbing corporate parent company… I don't think we'll miss you all that much, to be honest and, if we're being honest with you, there are now other options which we might want to consider if we ever decided to travel down that particular road again...

I wonder how long we'll hold out for…?

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