Monday 10 March 2014


Just a brief one today.

After all, I've been getting rather "wordy" again of late and that impresses nobody, and sometimes it's best to keep things short, pithy, and to the point.

I really just wanted to share this with you anyway, and a picture ought to speak a thousand words.

I don't normally notice such things but, well, I was watching "Elementary" the other day and I saw a shot so impressive and beautifully framed that I had to get up the next morning, rewind the episode in question, pause it, and take its picture, because, hours later, the sheer brilliance of that cinematography for what is, essentially, just a bit of old telly, really made the framing of that particular shot stay in my head.

We'd reached this, the fifteenth episode of the first season, "A Giant Gun, Filled With Drugs" without me being massively over-impressed, to be honest. The series was turning out to be a perfectly adequate, entertaining bit of crime drama nonsense that was enjoyable enough, but wasn't setting my world alight, if you get my meaning.

But that one shot stuck with me overnight and might yet cause me to reassess the whole lot, so I'm offering a great big old "Bravo!" to whoever positioned that camera that day, because, to my old eyes at least, it's truly a work of art, right up there with that New York shot from "Once Upon A Time In America" and whilst it will probably fade from my memory far more quickly than that, for this morning at least, it still impresses me.

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