Wednesday 12 March 2014


I often wonder if anyone would notice if I just wrote a load of old gibberish when I got up one morning...

Some, of course, might say that I already do...

Others might say that it would be an improvement…

Well, that's just mean, mean, mean…!

That said, this morning I have come to the keyboard without a coherent thought in my head, and feeling so very sleepy (and, if it's not going to prompt one of those sarcastic "thank you for sharing" comments, more than a little bit ill… and gloomy… today I feel a little bit gloomy, too...) that this is likely to add up to little more than just some random words strung together purely for the sake of it.

But then, as I've often stated before (although perhaps I've not admitted it hereabouts to often for obvious reasons), I seem to have come to a point with this bloggery where it's become more of a habit than anything else; I write because I write, not necessarily because I have anything to say.

It sounds fiendishly windy and rainy out there… The weather is beating against the roof slates like a frustrated toddler desperate for a new toy and the temperature appears to have dropped considerably. This must mean that spring has sprung, as it will, but my spirits do not appear to have been lifted because of it.

To be honest, at the time of writing, I'm coming into a Friday off a very frustrating Thursday which has left me feeling exhausted. The working day started with me arriving at work to find that the internet had crashed and was refusing to reconnect, and, as I attempted to work my way around this, the batteries in my wireless mouse went flat and it turned out that the replacements were locked inside a drawer to deter thievery.

With graphics, that can be very irritating; Move a slider [DISCONNECTED… WAIT… CONNECTED], alter a… [DISCONNECTED… WAIT… CONNECTED] setting, run the [DISCONNECTED… WAIT… CONNECTED] sequence, select another…[DISCONNECTED… WAIT… CONNECTED] layer…

You get the drift.

Meanwhile, it seemed as if the world just believed that the internet would fix itself and, whilst messages would appear on teffalone screens, the vital documents and files contained therein were not managing to make the great leap into the email inbox, and all of the advice on fixing the problem that we required was all available by visiting websites that were being remarkably uncooperative, given that actually accessing the internet was, basically, the problem.

And much of the day unfolded like this, distracting us from actually getting a great deal of the bloody work which we had to do done. In the end, I packed up my troubles in my old kit bag and went home to set up there, and achieved far more in the few hours I sat in my own house than in the entire morning of frustrations and irritations in the office.

The hope is now that the problem was an overnight upgrading glitch and the Thursday night overnight upgrade will solve it, because otherwise we might as well not turn in at all.

After all, I have better coffee at home too…

After getting home and muddling through for a few hours, I went to collect the Beloved who had a plan to complete her marathon watch of "Elementary" on Thursday evening, so that she could discuss it at length with the person who lent us the files containing the series at lunchtime on Friday without everyone at the table having to tiptoe around the "spoilers" problem...

This meant a very swift meal, which followed a blitz upon the accumulated washing up backlog which had been calling out to me for at least forty-eight hours or more to remind me that attending to it was long overdue, but I had determinedly ignored its cries due to having other, far less important, things to attend to.

After this, we settled down to a "box-set blitz" of five back-to-back episodes before bedtime, during which revelations upon revelations were revealed in that "high-octane" manner and huge pile of "out of character" moments that story lines leading up to season finales of television series can bring along with them.

I yawned a lot, to be honest, because I was feeling very sleepy… but we made it through...

If you're blocked, they say, write yourself out of it… but if you're writing stuff that you hope that somebody at least will read, then it's very difficult to just bludgeon them with some random nonsense and expect them to stick around for more than a sentence or two.

Nevertheless, by rattling on and on about nothing in particular, we've somehow managed to fill up another posting with a load of old gibberish, so that probably proves something significant or otherwise, I suppose.

So, how far anyone's actually penetrated this impenetrable tome will dictate as to how far into the realms of gibberish I feel that we can now venture, because I could just tap out a load of flim, flam, flummery (Pop! Wheee!!!) and if nobody's any the wiser, what harm could it do…?

Maybe tomorrow I'll have something more substantial to share with the world…?

Who knows.

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