Friday 18 December 2015

LIONIZE 181215

"I refuse to lionize the fellow, Watson" said Holmes, "after all, once you get to know him, my brother's just a big pussycat!"

He wanted us to lionize him
To bow and scrape and coo
But he just got lucky in life's whim
And still has to go to the loo

"Lionize" (from Kelvin Clone) - the fragrance that... look, you've seen the idiot celebrities we get to do our adverts, yes...?

Guilty but famous
Because they lionize him -
Released without charge

At the press conference, they all look into her deep golden lionize and then lap up everything she says. It's an easy meet.

Trying to make jokes
About particle physics
So soon in the day

Converting the word
Ionise to lionize

Lionize -
°To treat (a person) as if he were important, or a celebrity.
°To visit famous places in order to revere them.

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