Tuesday 26 March 2013


@Twitter You’ve really been taking up far, far too much of my time lately, so I ought to just stop.

@Twitter It’s the #TwitterGames and the #Wordplay.

@Twitter Don’t get me wrong, I’ve been enjoying playing them, but… (cont’d)

@Twitter (cont’d) they suck up so much of my time and I don’t even realise it.

@Twitter I can sit there for TWO HOURS or more on a Sunday morning…

@Twitter …just trying to come up with a bit of witty wordplay to add to everyone else’s…

@Twitter A convoluted play on a film title…

@Twitter An “amusing” spin on a popular music title…

@Twitter To join in with the “fun” topic of the day… or the hour… or the minute…

@Twitter And don’t get me wrong…

@Twitter I was getting a kind of real gratification from being able to “amuse” a few people…

@Twitter It was nice to get their friendly feedback in the form of RTs and Favs…

@Twitter And all so direct and immediate, too…

@Twitter To instantly know whether you’ve tickled a strangers “funny-bone” or not…

@Twitter Very satisfying… (Very addictive…!)

@Twitter The #Altwic and #Artwiculate folk are all very friendly (and forgiving!)

@Twitter And adding my thoughts to #punsr has been a joy these past few weeks…

@Twitter As well as contributing to @Foyles weekly #bookgame

@Twitter And it WAS really good to “jump start” my brain each morning…

@Twitter But it was taking up far too much time and I wasn’t getting ANYTHING else written!

@Twitter So it really, REALLY has got to stop…

@Twitter I need to go #ColdTurkey (or whatever the Twitter equivalent might be…)

@Twitter Or at least take a “TwitStop” for a while…

@Twitter Otherwise it can turn into an addiction (atTwitction?)

@Twitter And I’ll get so OBSESSED with today’s #WOTD or with writing the wittiest offering ever…

@Twitter That my life will fall apart…

So farewell, then @Twitter, at least for a little while…

@Twitter (I’m sure nobody will even notice I’ve gone)

@Twitter Because, that’s the sad nature of it, really…

@Twitter Trying to entertain strangers for no real reason…

@Twitter Other than a moment of recognition that there are like minds out there somewhere.

@Twitter And a vague sense that you aren’t as strange as you sometimes think you are.

@Twitter #Offline.

1 comment:

  1. Probably why I gave up tweeting. That and my crap phone..
