Sunday 17 March 2013


Taking last week off was supposed to help me to recharge my batteries, but it doesn’t seem to have actually helped all that much, to be perfectly honest with you.

What with one thing and another, it’s been an exhausting couple of months since the start of the year and so, against all my better judgement when it comes to “using up” my annual leave allowance too early in the year, we decided to take five days in early March to simply be at home and recharge those very batteries, as it were.

Of course, when it comes to me and being at home, a bit of rest and relaxation is never really very likely to make it onto the agenda, because there’s simply so much to do that I can find myself in such a vegetative panic about there being so much to do that I will return to work exhausted and not in the least bit refreshed after spending a week churning the chaos but not actually achieving anything much in the way of progress.

And, of course, by break coincided with a couple of the calendar’s unavoidables like “Mother’s Day” and a family birthday, so two days were immediately consumed by the necessary running about involved with that, plus another which involved shopping for same, but which, naturally, ended up with me buying more stuff for myself to further clutter the crumbling abode with.

Then there’s the internet, which I still can’t escape from the clutches of, even though I should. That obsessive compulsive desire to join in with word games still grips me on a daily basis, if only for the instant gratification of just one person “liking” a phrase I’ve wrangled, and despite the fact that I’ve promised myself that I’m going to wean myself off them or even go cold turkey by simply stopping altogether, another word pops up and another vaguely witty response comes to mind and, before I know it, I’m composing another and another and another, and another day has been sucked into the madness.

And I still have a load of admin to do, letters to write, forms to fill in, al of which takes up time and, somehow, ends up with me feeling much as if I’ve just been at work anyway…

And then there were the overnighters of the test matches in New Zealand, which didn’t help with my exhaustion levels as I plugged in the headphones and dozed through another long and disappointing night or two…

On the plus side, if you want to call it that, I also finally made a start on my model kit of an Apollo rocket after a couple of years of putting it off, only to be reminded of how very poor I am at precision painting and finding myself feeling utterly disappointed at my less than impressive efforts.

All that having bought myself a matching Space Shuttle kit, too in the clutter accumulation-fest I mentioned earlier, meaning that one carboard box taking up room has already found a slightly bigger replacement to clog up the void.

And then there was “Battlestar Galactica” which I was finally given permission to watch season four of after waiting for the other parties who are currently watching it almost (but not quite) simultaneously to catch up with us, so that we didn’t accidentally let a Cylon out of the bag, as it were. With those floodgates opened, this then devoured hour after hour of our time as we raced towards the finishing post a mere five years after everyone else who cared about such things had already been there.

So, before it started, it was already looking like a full and busy week and, by Wednesday, I started looking forward to getting back to work just to get a bit of order and calm back into my chaotic existence.

And there’ll still be loads to do and I won’t have actually achieved anything.

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