Thursday 31 May 2012


You know, I really could go on about this in much the same way as I always do. Hell in a handcart, and so on and so on, and I know it's only "stuff" and I know nobody got hurt and yada, yada, yada...

But, the thing is, the mind-bogglingly stupid thing is, that I really can not be bothered.

Normally I'd write reams and reams about this. The hind leg of that donkey would be well and truly bored off but...

Oh you know...

This is the remains of the office door that I found upon arriving at work yesterday morning.

It had been well and truly creamed.

The rest is just far too much for me to have to deal with right now.


  1. So sorry to hear about that, Martin. It must be very upsetting and obviously it has a huge impact, especially on such a small company. Our charity office was burgled a few times last year, and I know it's so much more than just the 'stuff' they take, it's the brutal disregard for other people's lives that is so infuriating and sad. I really hope they catch them, though I know you said the police weren't optimistic. Anyway, wishing you all the best and hope things can recover in time.

  2. Crass stupid people or maybe I'm misjudging them. How funny that we should both 'give up' on the same day - entirely different reasons, although... Crass stupid people or maybe I'm misjudging them.
