Tuesday 20 May 2014


So much to do, so little time…

And yet…

Somehow another weekend slides by with little in the way of achievement, as the heat of summer descended, but failed to draw me outside all that much in order to enjoy its charms, which, later on, will no doubt feel like a bit of a waste.

Later on, the neighbours whom I briefly saw outside, chatting away in that way that can prove so irritating when you’re trying to enjoy some peace and solitude, seemed amazed that I would admit to having been decorating on what they referred to as “the hottest day of the year” but then I’ve never really been much of a one for either idle chit-chat, or barbeques.

In the aftermath of completing the sale, there was paperwork to be done but, alas, it still remains to be done. Until the final figures are in, there’s still little reason to be troubling myself with the tax forms, I fear, although selling a tiny little one-bedroomed retirement apartment is never going to give you enough to retire on, when everything is settled there may be enough left to pay for a holiday or two, which might be nice.

Meanwhile, the bathroom needed to make another geologically paced leap towards completion, and so wallpaper found itself being attached to walls with accompanying swearing, whilst paint got applied to woodwork at the other end of the room. As this dried and set, the garden got a less than swift strim over, before the painting got its second coat, and some of the overgrown paving got deprived of its weeds and moss.

Finally, Saturday concluded with a crisp Pinot Grigio and a brief sit outside in the gathering gloom where the needs of a much-neglected garden were considered. Two soggy summers and another distracted by various hospital dashes had allowed it to mature into a more natural state than planned, and the bindweed is now the predominant plant being displayed, although it will probably never be impressive enough to please any judges at Chelsea…

Sunday came to with a frenzy of activity where yesterday’s wallpapering got painted over before we made an ill-advised early morning dash to the supermarket which proved to be heaving with customers anticipating an afternoon around their barbeques whilst our planned indulgence of maple and pecan lattices was not to be as the bakery did not appear to have any.

This proved a high point, as then the lethargy hit me and I tried to stay away on the garden bench for long enough to get into my latest book, but failed and instead retired to bed to doze the afternoon away without actually managing to do any sleeping.

This seems to be my lot in life at present; Constant sleepiness, tiredness, fatigue, post-traumatic stress, or whatever else you want to term it, but little in the way of sleep and, as another lazy Sunday came to its inevitable end, I found myself facing Monday morning after having had another broken  night which ended with me getting up at 4.30am having already been awake for hours.

So much time, so little actually done.

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