Wednesday 26 December 2012


Ah, ’tis Boxing Day and, because of my recent distractions in the writing of the “Christmas Advent Calendar Story” thing, I’ve kind of got out of the habit of writing my usual daily postings and can’t really think of anything new to talk about, especially upon this day which is notorious (at least for some) for being one of those days that can be a little bit flat or disappointing after the excitements of yesterday.

Of course, some people still have their “Christmas Day” celebrations on Boxing Day, and many take the opportunity to visit friends and/or family, or just to play with their “new toys” which they received as Christmas gifts, so I ought not to make sweeping generalisations, but, for many, Boxing Day can bring along with it a bit of an emotional “lull” and be a bit of a “non-event” of a day.

With that said, and in the spirit of the season (and also because nobody ever really asked for it), and as something of a “gift” to anyone of you who might be interested in such a thing, there should now be attached to this posting a pdf file of the entire Christmas story that I have so recently been unfolding to you over these past three weeks or so, all packaged together in a handy, printable (and obviously far too late for Christmas) A5 format and running to a surprising (well, it surprised me anyway) 96 pages, and only one day too late to be of any interest for Christmas Day itself.

Writing it has been consuming so many of my thoughts, and so many of my early morning hours recently (because I do tend to put an almost inappropriate level of importance upon such things, no matter how irrelevant they might seem to the rest of the world) that there really is nothing else that I’ve been thinking about all that much, which is why I found myself dwelling upon it once again this morning, instead of finding myself something far more interesting to burble on about.

I’ve been so focussed, so single-minded, that the world might have stopped turning, or the news might have been full of sensation and shock, and I would have remained oblivious, simply choosing instead to churn out another instalment, and another, and another…

Anyway, because of all that, I’ve got little else which I can share with you, so I might as well take one last bite out of that particular cherry and drag it all out for one more day before we all go away and forget about it forever and never speak of such things again.

I can’t imagine, for example, that such a thing has resonated enough with anybody that they might want to dust it all off and run through such a load of old nonsense all again during some future Chrimbletide, but you never know, and so I tend to find that it’s best to keep your options open.

Also, if you should want to print it off and send me a beautifully leather-bound hand-stitched copy, do feel free to do so, although I can’t imagine why anyone would want to do something so obviously altruistic as that. After all, such things are fine in fiction, but it’s a big old dirty dog-eat-dog world out there, full of busy people doing their very best to keep their own heads above the rising waters which means that we all should really try to, as a wise man once told me, “Make friends with the fish!”

Here’s that pdf…

…or, at least it would be, if I could get the uploading and linking software to work.

Tell you what, if you do want the pdf (and, to be honest, why would you…?) let me know and I’ll do my level best to find a way of putting it in a place that you can download it from properly, although I’m now reliably informed that the following link might just work if you just…



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