Sunday 7 September 2014


These are a few of those recent "pull over during the commute and pause for thought" moments from August and September, 2014 which I've been posting on FizzBok on the mornings that I remember to.

You see, I am quite lucky.

I get to drive over a rather lovely hill as I drive to and from work and, since my employers have given me the use of a rather rinky-dinky teffalone, one which takes at least half-decent snapshots when I point it in the vague direction of the sky, I've found myself pulling over to the side of the road on morning after morning and trying to capture some of the more spectacular-looking of those moments.



Sometimes, you just have to, don't you...?

Well, you do if you're me anyway...

However, we're getting towards that point of the year where Sun-up is getting later and later… and soon I will be driving through the darkness with the sunrise happening whilst I am already sipping at the first couple of mugs of coffee of the day, safely huddled in the grey box next to the sewage works.

Either that, or I might still be battling my way through the ice and snow and shivering in blind terror at the antics of the other road-users around me, whilst the clouds do their merry dance behind the concrete walls which conceal them from me.

So, in other words, there may not be too many more of these this year… but we'll still have these to look at and remember those brighter days by, which is probably why I stopped for those moments and took the pictures in the first place.


The thing about these pictures is that they might not be the most spectacular sky pictures you're ever likely to see, but I hope that you enjoy them despite that...

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