Saturday 14 June 2014


It was that loud thunderclap, as the saying goes, wot dun it…

There we were, in the office, mid-afternoon when the crash happened and the rumbling seemed to go on and on and on forever, or, well, at least ten seconds, which still seems like a long time when it comes to thunderclaps.

Still, as the inevitable rain clattered against the windows a few minutes later, it became increasingly apparent that we were in for a bit of a storm and so, rather naturally when it comes to myself and a "sure thing", it turned out that we weren't.

Instead, almost as soon as it had started, the storm had passed, and my slight worry that I had persuaded the Beloved to go to work without a raincoat that morning "because it was such a nice day…" seemed to fade a little along with it.

However, as I packed up and headed home about half an hour later, I was about to get into the car when I noticed the skies in the very direction I was about to be heading seemed far darker than the ones currently lurking right above my head.

"Into darkness…" I muttered to myself… "Bloody typical…"

Still, you don't spend several years claiming to be in "A Dark Corner" without occasionally being hoist by your own petard, or even your pet toad, so I obviously deserved it and, as I headed into the increasing darkness of a summer's evening, I expected the worst and, quite naturally, didn't get it.

Instead, despite my resignation that the direction in which I was head was indeed the darkest of options,  pretty soon I passed beyond it into a gloriously sunny evening in the hills, albeit one with lots of interesting clouds to look at, which only proved something or other about venturing through the darkness to reach the light.


Of course, those of us determined to maintain that we continue to lurk in a very Dark Corner of A Certain Place, couldn't possibly comment…

1 comment:

  1. Life is bare, gloom and mis'ry everywhere
    Stormy weather
    Just can't get my poorself together,
    I'm weary all the time
    So weary all the time
    When he went away the blues walked in and met me.
    If he stays away old rockin' chair will get me.
