Thursday 16 January 2014


Of course, I don't know the truth of any of these things, nor do I like taking as "gospel" anything that's printed in the newspapers, but, nevertheless, whatever the outcome may turn out to be, Tuesday the 14th of  January, 2014, certainly turned out to be a busy old day for what m'colleague now refers to as the "Savile Police…" especially as the Operation Yewtree Police also re-arrested and questioned another familiar face from similar headlines on the very same day.

There really isn't much more comment that needs to be said, especially by me, other than to point out what a real disappointment these people seem to have turned out to be.

But, no matter what the outcome, it would appear that these careers are well and truly over. because there's always going to be that vague "no smoke without fire" whiff about any and all of them, despite the unflinching loyalty of their particular individual fan bases and press agents.

It is interesting, however, when we consider the rise of "Celebrity Culture" over the past few decades and the perceived power that it brings along with it. After all, when fame and celebrity are seen as being so very attractive, it's hardly surprising that certain people may very well abuse the trust in them when so much perhaps undue adoration is coming their way.

If you are inclined towards being a "wrong 'un" and an opportunity presents itself, it might be very easy to take advantage of that situation, especially if you really believe that you're very likely to get away with it.

A few people I've spoken to still refuse to believe anything bad about Rolf - after all, you don't get to paint Her Majesty without stringent background checks being applied, do you? - although time, I suppose will tell.

For a while it did seem that having "celebrity status" did seem to make you "fireproof" because nobody would either believe it of such "much loved" public figures, perhaps because of the perceived risks involved to that status if it ever got out, or maybe they all believed that, with a few judicious payments or words in the correct ears, it could be made to just "go away", but the revelations about Mr Savile and the convictions of Mr Hall and Mr Gadd seem to have altered our perception of those particular beliefs.

I still wonder, however, whether, if Mr Savile had ever been taken to court, just quite how many of those accusations might have faded away…?

Or maybe, there would have been even more of them…?

It still beggars belief that these things could have been allowed to go on for quite so long, especially if those who claim to have heard "whispers" are to be believed. Perhaps it's just a side-effect of the times we now live in where it almost seems as if nobody, especially in the public eye, finds it possible to have secrets any more. 

But what about the rock stars who made such a big deal about the amount of "groupies" they were involved with back in the day? Should we not be looking into their activities given that so many of the smitten young things who threw themselves their way may very well have been "under age" at the time, too…?

((These, of course, are precisely the sort of news stories upon which I ought not to be commenting, given that, in most cases, I usually fret and worry that I've said something that I shouldn't have, and will have upset someone by coming down off my usual fence…))

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