Monday 13 January 2014


Okay... I've nothing much to tell you today, other than to share a couple of thoughts that popped into my head last week.

First there was just this, which is a pretty self-explanatory point of view about a certain company and its marketing strategy...

"Just buy more stuff… it doesn't matter whether it works , just buy it…"

In a not unrelated thought, secondly (and this came from a conversation about being unable to simply tell which way up a wireless mouse is supposed to be when you just grab it), when I turned it upside-down to prove some point or another, I suddenly noticed that upside-down, that most familiar of logos looks (to me at least) rather like a bottom in the process of doing what a bottom most naturally is prone to do.

(I can't be the only one who's ever noticed that, surely...?)

I'm not going to comment further. I'd rather just leave that thought hanging there whilst you wander off back to your lives pondering, perhaps, upon such things as corporate responsibility, it's relationship with its customers, and suchlike...


  1. No, I think you are the only one to have noticed that.

  2. Brings a new meaning to the phrase 'Apple cheeked'.

    1. :-)

      ((That would have been a MUCH better title for this posting, too…))
