Saturday 22 June 2013


One of the advantages of getting into town early is that you get to see all of the places that are usually packed to the twelves with busy, busy people looking a lot more quiet and sedate than they might otherwise be, but with the advantage of daylight making them seem far less scary.

Not that just looking less scary can guarantee anything.

Anyway, I thought that it might be nice to share what that busiest shopping thoroughfare of the city of Manchester looks like whilst pretty much everything is still closed and most of the people are still coming round and facing their Sunday mornings, or battling our way through the traffic to get there and filling up those quiet streets with the hustle and bustle of thousands and thousands of busy, busy people filled with purpose and spending power...

Peaceful looking, isn't it...? Almost pleasant...

Although, if it was like that all of the time, pretty soon there wouldn't be any shops left for anyone to go to... but I suspect that that's another rant for another time. Instead we should just take a moment to enjoy the serenity of the moment and try not to think about the poor guy and his dog who were sleeping in a doorway just out of the edge of the frame.

Sorry that it's just a quick bit of nonsense today but I'm in a bit of a hurry...

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