Thursday 15 November 2012


Do you ever wake up in the morning and think that everything you thought you knew is wrong…?

You, of course, might not be that kind of person. You might be the kind of person who is just full to the brim with a kind of natural self-confidence that would never allow you to harbour such doubts and, if you are, well jolly good luck to you. The rest of us mere mortals are plagued with our own problems, of course, but why on earth should those concern you? You are, after all, perfect, and everything you do is done in the sure knowledge that you are right, so that must be simply great…

Meanwhile, back on planet earth, things are afoot. I was nearly going to say “great things” there, but they seldom are all that great to be honest. As I look about me bleary-eyed in the dark, harsh cold of another pre-dawn, I do wonder quite how it has come to pass that pretty much every decision I have made in my life has led to this moment.

Or this one… Despite everything, time will keep on ticking away, won’t it…?

Entropy increases, or so they say, and when it comes to my crumbling little abode they might very well be right, although, as we now have builders scurrying across the roof tiles from time to time, perhaps we have, at least, managed to check that, at least temporarily.

Although, almost as a direct reaction to that, and following the universal law that if you start to put one thing right, another will naturally start to go wrong (and if they’re now claiming that super-symmetry may be a lost cause, perhaps they should visit my little exception that proves the rule…), the plumbing is starting to show signs of falling apart.

Nowadays it seems to take a good fifteen minutes or so just to get enough tepid water to fill a bowl to do a little bit of washing up. If you run the tap long enough, the water will get hot, of course, but only for about the two seconds it takes to put the bowl underneath the flow. Then it will immediately revert to it’s normal ice-cold state and reduce the ambient temperature of the precious cupful of hot water you’ve just managed to collect. After all, why could I possibly ever need more than two seconds worth of hot water anyway...? Oh, yeah... Right...

And some people still doubt that the universe is getting colder…

At the same time, the bullet is bitten, and, whilst one lot of environmental wastage is happening at one side of the sink, the huge carbon footprint option of boiling a kettle of water to wash the pots with is taken at the cold tap which, to stop its incessant dribbling, is jammed so firmly into the “off” position, that I am unable to turn it and hold the kettle at the same time and many expletives erupt, especially as I’m still trying to keep one hand in the “hot” water flow just in case it makes a sudden decision to actually finally warm up.

The world, it seems, refuses to go quietly.

As I rubbed the sleepydust (or whatever that goo is really called) out of my eyes the other morning, I happened at the same time to boot up the television set in order to catch up on the overnight headlines, and I really couldn’t believe my eyes.

In fact I couldn’t believe them so much that I had to rub them all over again just to make sure.

Instead of any actual news, instead I got about two minutes of “Celebrity Up the Jungle” or whatever it’s called, and this was on a channel that wasn’t even broadcasting the wretched programme.

They had, of course, found a “newsy” angle to justify this inclusion, as one of our sitting MPs had opted to take part in this televisual feast rather than doing the job she was being paid for, which gave the wretched newsbies, in a week when they were already making so much of the news be about themselves, another excuse to dress up a bit of nonsense on the telly and treat it as if it was a “proper” news story, thus giving the media yet another opportunity to aggrandise itself and convince itself of how “important” it must really be…

But this is all rather symptomatic of the modern media and its obsession with itself. “We are important!” they always seem to be implying, whereas we all know that “The whole aim of Newspeak is to narrow the range of thought” as George Orwell may very well have suggested.

When the Director General of the BBC resigned after his turbulent 54 days in office, it was, of course, “newsworthy” although whether it was as newsworthy as the journalists seemed to suggest is debatable. After all, it seemed that he was so unaware of his own channel’s news output that he didn’t seem to know that he was resigning just as his flagship news programme was going off air, but for the rest of us, we really don’t give much of a flying fig as to who is running the news, just so long as they can be trusted to run it with a certain amount of integrity and honesty.

After all, most of the time, we’d all apparently rather be watching people dancing in ballrooms or eating bugs in jungles so long as, every so often, they tell us who’s died and in what country the latest disaster is unfolding, because these days, schadenfreude seems to be what the news is really there for.

Which is why, when I’m having these musings of an early morning and whilst my eyes are still crusted over and my brain isn’t yet quite active enough to know when to keep my big mouth shut, I can dress it all up with my tales of woe about my taps. After all, how else could I get your attention, if I wasn’t giving you someone else’s misery to wallow in…?

That’s how it’s supposed to work, yes…?

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