Wednesday 14 November 2012


Sometimes you just get to the top of the hill and, no matter how distracted you might be by thoughts about your life and work and all of the other mundanities, you just find that you have to pull over,  stop and think “Wow!”

Just such a thing happened to me on one recent misty morning…

The whole of Manchester was laid out in front of me and,  with the mist in the valleys, I just felt so overawed by the view that I just had to stop and take a moment to drink it in, before heading on my way towards work again…

Unfortunately I only had the crummy telephone on me to take a picture with, but I think you still might understand why I just had to stop and take a moment.

Quite often, when Im heading homewards again, the opposite view is the one that can truly lift my spirits as I finally get to the top of the hill and see the hills and the valleys laid out in front of me.

Sadly, as it gets darker and darker, that view has to disappear for a few months and is replaced by the misery of darkness and cold and suddenly more dangerous seeming roads that seem so benign in the spring and summer and I feel a weight of misery decend upon my shoulders as I realise that Im bidding farewell to the view for the better part of four months, so it really is well worthwhile to just take that moment, drink it in, and try and remember it throughout the winter.

1 comment:

  1. I know this feeling well Martin - just not experienced it recently.
