Sunday 5 August 2012


This feels like cheating, really, adding to that tally of “published posts” whilst not really writing anything new at all, but a post is a post is a post, and how else are you to know where to go if I don’t tell you where to go…?

(Obviously, the other meaning of “telling you where to go” is not my intention here, but I hope that I really shouldn’t need to underscore that for you…)

Today’s posting has been published in “MAWH  - Light Under A Bushel” as it seems to feel more like the kind of posting that should be over there.

So, if you want to read the latest mutterings about some small objet d’tat that lurks amongst the clutter here at Blogfordshire Towers, then just click on this link to be taken to a short tale about a thing of wonder... (as in “I wonder why on Earth he kept that...”).

If you don’t want to be faffed with that, here’s a pretty picture that I took on my summer holidays this year to calm and soothe you…


  1. I'll go over in a minute after I've made a cuppa.

  2. I went, too, and well remember working for a certain crisp factory in Cheadle Heath, a long, long time ago!!
