Monday 13 August 2012


Well, it still feels like cheating, really, adding to my total tally of “published posts” whilst not really writing anything new at all, but, under my ongoing misguided notion that a post is still a post is still a post, I’m going to do it again anyway, and, as I’ve also mentioned before, how else are you to know that there’s something exciting and new for you to read or indeed, where to go to read it, if I don’t tell you where the heck it is…? So, once again, today’s “proper” posting has been published in “MAWH  - Light Under A Bushel” as, because it’s about a thing and it might just be the kind of thing that is possibly far too tedious for the more exciting of you to want to be bothered with, it does seem to feel more like the kind of posting that should be over there amongst the clutter in that room full of lost things.

So, my latest witterings about another of the objets d’tat that lurk amongst the clutter here at Blogfordshire Towers can be found if you just click on the link below:

As before, if that kind of adventurous internet “leap into the dark” doesn’t really appeal to you and you just want to spend your visit today lurking in this darkest of dark corners instead, I've opened up the old photo album to share another of my holiday snaps with you.

This is another view taken from Beaumaris on that late July Friday during which the clouds were so very impressive.

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