Wednesday 22 February 2012


Ladies, gentlemen, and small furry aliens from the planet Zog (you know who you are), I have to announce that I have decided to take a short break from the wild and wacky world of bloggery for a few weeks. I know that this may disappoint a few of you and come as a great relief to the greater mass of humanity who regularly fervently ignore these musings, but a break is needed, and a break is what I’m going to get.

You could, if you were so inclined, take this opportunity to trawl through the back catalogue of over 500 musings and ravings that have been posted here over the past couple of years and pause for a few moments to consider what it is that you will no doubt wisely conclude that it is probably best to continue studiously ignoring.

Still, for those of you who do remain, and with the hopeful philosophy that a picture really should speak a thousand words, and which therefore will no doubt come as some blessed relief, I will be posting some pictures for you to have a look at. None of them are particularly good, but they’re pretty enough and might help to pass the days in the unlikely event that any of you find that you’re actually missing me.

You might want to think of them as a kind of jigsaw puzzle of the not-that-complicated enigma that these writings represent, or perhaps you might want to think of them as making up the “picture clue” round of this great game that we sometimes play, and you might even want to surprise me with your conclusions, or not, although it might take me a while to get around to reading your comments and “moderating” them so don’t go thinking that I don’t care or that they’ve got lost or anything.

Far from it…

If anything, it’s more likely that it’s me that’s got myself lost, so, if I can impose upon you to you to be a little patient (as the doctor said to the tiny baby…) then normal service will be resumed just as soon as I can get around to it, and the merry daily dance that we dance will be back before you’ve even noticed I’ve not been around.

The games I like to play, eh, people…? The games I like to play.

Don’t forget me…

Martin AW Holmes, Word wrangler, February 2012


  1. Have a great break, Martin, and we'll look forward to your return.

  2. Laters my friend. Go get some inspiration and bring me some home as well.

  3. Forget you? Not a chance. Enjoy your break.

  4. My thanks to you all.

    Back soon. M.
