Thursday 21 July 2011


06:00 An extra half-hour to lie-in today as our routine has switched to mode “B” for the day. After the usual offices are attended with and my teeth are gleaming for the first and possibly last time of the day I head down and brew a refreshing cup of tea to help me to swallow the usual morning pills. I switch on the TV set to check the news headlines on BBC1 and to make sure the blog I’m planning on posting this morning isn’t suddenly massively inappropriate and to check that no-one in my immediate and limited field of interest has died overnight. It’s a simple routine, but a familiar one.

06:20 Upstairs to boot up the computer and decide which of two potential half-completed musings is the best one to share with the world today, but it turns out they both need more contemplation, being as they are, even more rough than the finely honed rubbish that you get to read, and the one that is a “kind of” half-poem/half-chant I decide is actually all pretty poor and something that the world really isn’t ready to tolerate yet. Maybe tomorrow if nothing else turns up. Instead I fall back on an “emergency” piece of waffle that I wrote to use on days like these and hit “publish”, immediately wishing I hadn’t and feeling a disclaimer brewing, before tinkering speculatively with the other pieces and failing to improve them much either. “Writers write” was one piece of advice I read once, although it has been superceded recently by “Writers rewrite” which is of course an opinion, but sometimes you’ve got to finally bite that particular bullet and let someone else see what you’re thinking (and then mercilessly laugh and point, obviously…).

06:30 I drag myself away from tinkering to have a look at my usual morning cycle of websites. Nothing of any real significance appears on any of them, nor anything telling me that anything I’ve contributed was of any interest to anyone else. A pity this as I’m desperate for inspiration today…

06:35 Back to the blog, but really nothing’s coming to mind at all this morning. I seriously start to wonder whether I’ve actually already said all that there is to say about my humdrum little life, and consider the possibility of calling it a day and wondering whether I’d actually miss it…

06:40 Tinker, bodge, procrastinate with pointless distractions…

06:55 The morning routine beckons and keeps me busy for the usual hour or so…

08:05 On my way back from the station now with the usual morning idiocy on the roads to deal with. Do so many people really not pay any attention to what’s going on around them as they drive a lot, sometimes with the most precious of human cargo? A rant for another day, I suspect, or have I already done that one…? Meanwhile, as I’m heading back I notice that the passenger door mirror is all askew following my passenger’s swift departure. I try to decide whether it’s safe enough to park up and unfold it again, but come to the conclusion that I can deal with it when I get home and carry on through the kind of traffic that would seem unreasonable in a video game.

08:07 Parked the car, tweaked the mirrors back into place, and dashed up the old stone steps to the house (“still got it…”) and am lucky I’m not ten seconds later as I realise that I said it out loud, as I then unexpectedly get to greet one of the neighbours as she heads out in the opposite direction for her day. I sometimes wonder what the various neighbours actually make of me and my lifestyle, but I suspect that they don’t wonder about it at all…

08:10 Back home from the station run and I hit the on switch on the kettle and brew up the first (instant) coffee of the day before running up those stairs (“still got it…”) and relaunching the workstation with a view towards punching out a few more words before it’s time to start working…

08:20 The computer is booted up and I head into “Blogger” but there are no stats as yet to speak of, so my embarrassment is not yet exposed, but then, as I trawl around the other familiar sites once more, it seems that the internet is either broken, everyone else is still asleep or the rest of the world has got more to do than I have at this time of the day.

08:25 Desperate for ideas I scrawl down the many pages of my half-written and ill-thought-out ideas, but nothing reaches out and grabs me, not even the skeleton of an idea which I was so very enthusiastic about and eager to pursue only last night.

08:30 I’m getting rather stupid now in my quest for ideas. I grab an old photograph album off the shelf, but still nothing springs to mind. Why don’t I remember anything about so many of those days I was obviously alive and conscious enough for to get myself into the picture? I mull over the idea, just for a moment, of pondering about all those people I seem to have pictures of and I really haven’t the slightest clue who they are (or were…), but the thoughts won’t string together and I throw that one, once again, on the increasingly vague (and in reality non-existent) “things for another day” pile. I pause to wonder, just for a moment, whether anyone has actually kept a record of things I’ve said that I’ll talk about on another day and then never got around to, and, if they have, whether they’re going to end up hugely disappointed, but I sincerely doubt anybody’s paying that much attention…

08:40 and the words still won’t string together so instead I decide to write this very piece instead just to keep my fingers busy, knowing that it’ll never see the light of day on the web unless I really struggle to come up with anything else… (Author’s update: “Bugger!”).

09:00 Got to stop now… Work to do…

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